Friday 14 January 2011

the end, my last...

not my last blog silly!! that would be mad!

yeah, i just start writing and think, "yeah bored now"

what a silly idea!!

so, to explain the title of this post, the end of my weekdays in bed, the last time i think, "ahh its a weekday, bed it is"

its a shame, but the fact is, i will be constantly working for the next 14 days...

yes, you read right, 14 FULL DAYS!! because (here we go...) i have to work this weekend at ScrewFix (yeah, BA Honours in drama and i work at a hardware store...) then i have the full week in my new job, THEN my ScrewFix boss (who, is lovely tbh) has asked that i work the weekend after, AND THEEEEN the next week at Barclays...

im going to die...

im looking forward to my new job, dont get me wrong, because i had a phonecall off my new boss and she sounds lovely, and apparently all the staff cant wait to meet me!! excitemente!!

i think this may be a short one today, because i am very tired and i have a loooooooooong 2 weeks ahead of me!! so long i feel tired already! plus a lil poorly! eak! but i will do this, i am determined!!

bleh just remembered i will have a uniform to wear...enough said..


oh well, it'll just have to do i suppose!

so night night, sleep tight, dont let the stress bugs bite LOL!!
be back soon!

Kath :D x.x.x

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